Simply put, I love this game. The principle had me hooked from the start and I keep playing it almost daily. I bought it in May and have played five games so far, and completed them all!
To address the claim of another reviewer that using Gigawatts is a must: except for the first and third game I have not used Gigawatts (for wrenches and swap boosts) at all. Yes, I like word games and my English is not too shabby, but Im certainly no genius, meaning that it is quite possible to finish W.E.L.D.E.R. without ever using Gigawatts. I would even go as far as claiming that Gigawatts remove the challenge of the game which is to form words with the hot and broken and toxic (really dont like those toxic ones) as and where they are. Much more satisfying than just swapping them with wrenches like ordinary tiles.
In my last game which I finished this morning, I used no Gigawatts, needed to nuke the board on two occasions, had to use my very last swap at one point and finished Level 15 with 6 normal, 6 reverse, 6 group and 3 jump swaps remaining. Without the final 500 bonus GW, I scored a total of 384 GW in that game.
starfish-on-iphone about W.E.L.D.E.R., v2.1