I would not even think a second, to rate this game 5 stars, IF there were NO Gigawatts! Sadly, they are there and do a perfect job in ruining this game. Thanks a lot to you bloodsuckers, Ayopa!
REMOVE GIGAWATTS or at least make them WAY EASIER to get through playing the game instead of purchasing them via IAP! REDUCE Gigawatt prices for the in-game powerups! I paid for this game, when there were NO Gigawatts!
Now, what are Gigawatts? Simply: COINS of another name. And in NO WAY will anyone (except maybe Einstein or Jesus Christ) succeed in this game in the long run, WITHOUT buying Gigawatts for real money! You need them to buy "powerups" that e.g allow you to move otherwise unmoveable blocks (i.e. hot, broken etc.). You can earn them in-game like 2 or 5 at a time - and maybe you will be able earn 10, 20, 30 per game session (investing a long time playing). The prices for the "powerups" are in the hundreds (e.g. 190 for the wrench) and their prices multiply, when you buy them again within the same game session!
In later levels, you wont survive without plenty of Gigawatts! And this is INTENTIONAL. They want you to spend money on Gigawatts! Or is it more precisely "they force you"? Do not let them do so. DONT BUY GIGAWATTS. Dont buy this game as long as they are there! A side note: they dont mention the Gigawatts IAP here in the app store, of course. Thieves, liars, scum!
Hundertneunzehn about W.E.L.D.E.R., v1.2.3