This game has become muddled with so many ancient English and pre-English words that its just unfun. When you first start playing this isnt much of an issue. However, once you start building multipliers youll find yourself trumped up with words like pirn, broo and proper nouns like gree (which is a cellphone gaming platform in Japan!). So, youll start double checking every variant of non-words just to be safe. Its more fun eating Fugu, at this point. Also, the English slants to British English. So, Americans will get trumped up by that as well. What this game really needs is selectable dictionaries. Here is a list of words from just one session of a game: sild neif caff waff anna repp oner broo rotl dato haet limn auld oaten relet pirn poco djin hern deys pyin douc epha gite weal unci